2018年9月27日 星期四


  1. 預見會有阻力。如果你知道人們可能反對什麼,你可以計畫如何解决這些問題。
  2. 瞭解什麼是真正的反對意見。例如,有人可能會說他們的公開反對意見是因為項目的成本太高,但是了,他們真正關注的是政治,就像他們害怕他們隊將失去影響力。
  3. 為項目找到一個冠軍領導者。這應該是一比特高級管理人員,他的影響力和專長可以幫助你推動項目向前發展。
  4. 聚集大量的支持者。如果你有一群人相信創新不够,試試吧,你會有群眾明這是個不錯的主意。
4 Steps to Get Approval for Your Next Innovation Project
Everyone wants innovation in their company, but getting a new idea implemented can be a challenge, especially when office politics are in play. When you’re trying to get approval for your latest innovation, follow these four steps.
  1. Anticipate resistance. If you know what people might object to, you can plan how you’ll address those concerns.
  2. Understand what objections are truly about. For example, someone might say they object because of a publicly acceptable reason — say, the project is too costly — when their real concern is political, like they’re afraid their team will lose influence.
  3. Find a champion for the project. This should be a senior executive whose clout and expertise can help you move the project forward.
  4. Gather a critical mass of supporters. If you have a group of people who believe in the innovation enough to try it, you’ll have social proof that the idea is a good one. 

